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Advertising inserts

The Logora plugin pages are provided as white label and hosted on your site.

Logora allows the insertion of advertisements on your new pages generated by the debate space, via your advertising agency.

The advertisements can be displayed around but also between the elements of the debate space.

If you have contracted with a revenue sharing model, you are required to fill all the ad spaces offered by Logora.

Logora is compatible with Google Adsense and Google Ad Manager.

Desktop format

You don't have to go through the Logora system to insert desktop ads as they are displayed around the space.

The debate space is a widget that generates new pages on your site.

You control the insertion of elements around the space.

On the desktop, you can directly insert advertising formats around the space as on other pages of your site.

For example, here is the loading screen of the debate space on :

Desktop ads

Top, right and bottom banner ads are loaded at the same time as the debate space.

Mobile format

In mobile format, you need to go through the Logora configuration to serve your ads in our space.

On mobile, this consists of inserting blocks into the debate space.

You can insert an ad on your article page, at the debate question area, like here:

Ad on mobile

You can also insert an ad every three arguments inside the debates, arranged on your new pages.

For this, we have created spaces that you can fill with by creating blocks in the formats defined below:

    1. Block between the poll and the contributions highlighted in the footer: (300 * 250).
    1. Top block at the beginning of the argument list: (300 * 250).
    1. Box every third argument: (300 * 250).

To insert the ads, go to your administration area in Configuration and then in Advertising.

Configure ads

You need to check the Allow ads box.

The ad titles correspond to the positioning of the ad.

  • Footer Ad corresponds to 1) Block between the poll and the contributions.
  • Top banner corresponds to 2) Top block at the beginning of the argument.
  • Secondary Header corresponds to the first 3) Box every third argument.
  • Tertiary Header corresponds to the following 3) Box every third argument.

The ad formats are all the same, you can insert the same values everywhere or different values to analyse the performance of the slots.

  • The path value is the path to the ad slot of your ad.
  • The id value is the unique container ID of your ad, also set at ad slot creation.
  • The targeting key is the key name of the custom targeting, it does not have to be unique.
  • The targeting value is the value name of the custom targeting, it does not have to be unique.

If you choose the ad revenue sharing model, Logora must have access to the performance of these ads. You can choose the media format that suits you (automatic excel report, Google Data Studio...) to send us this view.